About Us

Our Vision

To equip the Body of Christ for the Lord’s Harvest as reapers ready to win souls and save lives through covenant relationship with God and man. Thus transforming them into Friends of Faith!

Who We Are

Interfaith University (I.U.) is an interdenominational, non-denominational Bible college made up of several interlocking schools that focus on various aspects of Christianity and life. Interfaith University offers a full slate of courses as well as credentials ranging from diploma to doctorate levels. There are over 50 quality courses designed to give a strong foundation upon which you may build a solid faith in God! Whether you are a pastor, Bible teacher, or a believer searching for more truth, there are trustworthy study resources here that will prove to be an asset to both your personal life and ministry. You can study online, print out your courses, or do a combination of both. You decide which method best suits your learning style. People from almost every walk of life attend I.U. to search the Bible for answers to life's questions and issues and to strengthen their relationship with God. We also hold free to student public graduations which allow students to invite family and friends to see them march. If you are interested in a graduation ceremony near you, please inquire through your Advisor. We also offer private graduation ceremonies at local churches or other public facilities. (There is a minimal fee for the private ceremonies.) Anyone who is a believer and wishes to increase their knowledge of the Word of God can attend Interfaith University. You must also be at least 17 years of age or older. (Some younger are admitted through proper permission from parents or guardians and evaluation by I.U.)

I.U. Colors & Mascot

Our School Colors

Blue- this represents our covenant loyalty toward Christ as our King and one another as His body.

Gold- this represents the Divine Godhead as our all encompassing foundation and guide.

Our Mascot

Our mascot is the Bald Eagle.
"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as EAGLES; they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint. (Is. 40:31),

The eagle represents strength and power. The bald eagle has beautiful features. White feathers cover its head, neck, and tail, while brownish-black feathers cover its body. In all, a Bald Eagle has about 7,000 feathers. This symbolizes the strength and unity of our Lord’s Body.


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