CCC500: Doctor of Christian Counseling and Communications
CCC500 / CC&C500: Doctor of Christian Counseling and Communications
Instructor: Dr. Ludie L Hoffman
Office Hours: Online
Course Description
A graduate-level ministry course focusing on a concise study of the Holy Scriptures and addressing theoretical and practical challenges in church leadership and Kingdom advancement.
Course Goals and Objectives
The course aims to provide training and support for ministry leaders. Participants will explore philosophical, theoretical, and practical facets of church leadership, achieving the following objectives:
- Understand Christian attitudes, behaviors, and motives.
- Enhance teaching methods through effective communication and style.
- Bridge theory and practice for real-world application.
- Reflect on personal identity as a minister.
- Develop excellent teaching approaches.
Required Texts and Materials
- Bennett, F.J. - Esther: A Woman of Valor
- Analyzes the bravery and relationships of Esther, exploring how her obedience and God’s providence relate to our lives.
- Hoffman - How to Get Answers Every Time You Pray
- Discusses the value of prayer in ministry and its impact on spiritual revelation.
- Essay is required to complete this course
- Hoffman - The Word of Faith
- Covers what faith is and isn’t, how to apply faith, and achieving greater results by walking in faith.
- Essay is required to complete this course
- Leaf, C. - Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess
- Provides a 5-step plan backed by clinical research to combat anxiety, toxic thinking, and stress, improving mental and physical health.
- Essay is required to complete this course
- Dake, F. - God’s Plan for Man: The Bible Doctrine of Sin
- Discusses biblical doctrines with a detailed analysis of sin, biblical interpretation principles, and practical insights.
- Hoffman, L. - Partnership is Fellowship
- Focuses on partnership principles in friendships, marriages, church settings, and business relationships.
- Essay is required to complete this course
- Maxwell, J. - The Mentor’s Guide to Effective Communication
- Audio guide covering effective communication, establishing credibility, motivation, and persuasion for leadership success.
- Essay is required to complete this course
Course Policies
Class Attendance and Participation
Attendance and active participation are mandatory. Students must come to class prepared, with readings completed, and ready for discussions. Missing classes impacts both learning and grades (50 points deducted per absence). Some sessions may be held via webinars.
Extra Credit
No extra credit opportunities are available.
Submitting Assignments
- All assignments must be typed, double-spaced, and follow 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins.
- Include a cover page in APA style (except for blogs).
- Non-compliance with these guidelines results in ungraded work.
Late Work
Students receive an automatic 48-hour extension for submissions (except weekly discussions). Assignments beyond the extension will receive a zero.
Incomplete Policy
An "Incomplete" grade is granted only if 75% of coursework is completed and supported by valid reasons (e.g., medical or military).
Acceptable Student Behavior
Unacceptable and disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in removal from class or university intervention.
Academic Integrity
Plagiarism and cheating are prohibited. Punishments range from a zero on the assignment to failing the course. Follow APA citation guidelines.
This syllabus is subject to change without notice at the instructor’s discretion.