Frequently Asked Questions

Let's ask us questions

1. What is Interfaith University?

Interfaith University (I.U.) is an interdenominational, non-denominational Bible college made up of several interlocking schools that focus on various aspects of Christianity and life.

2. What is Interfaith Bible Training School?

Similar to our School of Timothy Advanced Ministry Training School, which is the medium by which we train those who sense a calling to ministry, Interfaith Bible Training School is the core curriculum school for the entire university. Each student must meet the requirements of Interfaith Bible Training School either through evaluation of previous experience, training, or schooling before entrance into a higher level program.

3. Who can apply?

Anyone who is a believer and wishes to increase their knowledge of the Word of God. You must also be at least 17 years of age or older. (Some younger are admitted through proper permission from parents or guardians and evaluation by I.U.)

4. What do you offer through Interfaith University?

Interfaith University offers a full slate of courses as well as credentials ranging from diploma to doctorate levels. We also hold free to student public graduations which allow students to invite family and friends to see them march. If you are interested in a graduation ceremony near you, please inquire through your Advisor. We also offer private graduation ceremonies at local churches or other public facilities. (There is a minimal fee for the private ceremonies.)

5. What about personal attention?

Each student is appointed a Personal Student Advisor who will be responsible for answering questions, addressing student concerns, and transmitting direct information. Students will have email, telephone, and direct mail access to his or her Personal Student Advisor.

6. When do classes meet?

Interfaith University is primarily a correspondence school, however, we do have some local classes that meet to review work and encourage growth. These classes normally meet once a week or can meet once or twice monthly. Contact our administrative offices to inquire about classes in your area.

7. How much of my time will this take?

Learn at your own pace. While we recommend that you adopt the principle of diligence and faithfulness, we offer tremendous flexibility. Correspondence lessons are accessible and can be paid for online (secured credit card payment). Most core curriculum lessons can be used as daily devotionals and completed in 3 - 7 days.

8. May I share my course with my spouse?

You may certainly share your courses with your spouse; but in order to obtain a grade, they must have their own courses, answers sheets, and student number.

9. What are some career opportunities that could possibly come about for a credentialed Christian?

This would depend on who you are, where you look, and who you know. Many churches and ministries, as well as Christian businesses, are in need of ministers, teachers, deacons, administrators, photographers, musicians, technicians, telephone staff, counselors, youth workers, producers, engineers, drivers, managers, coordinators, cooks, lawyers, nurses, accountants, bookkeepers, department heads, singers, building contractors, etc... It would seem that documented Christian training would greatly enhance your appeal. We encourage members of our alumni association to consider one another.

10. Once I graduate, then what?

This would be best answered by having a strong sense of God's direction for your life, which Interfaith University is designed to help you gain. However, we do have an alumni association called Friends of Faith Ministerial Association. This association is made up of graduates, friends, and partners. This will give you an opportunity to continue to fellowship with other students and support ongoing school projects. We also expect that students will interact by inviting one another to attend and on occasion even speak at events that they are holding. The alumni association is a fellowship and continual Christian education medium.
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