CHR300 Diploma of Christology
CHR300 Diploma of Christology
A course in ministry focused on a concise study of the Holy Scriptures, along with the practical and theoretical challenges faced by disciples of Christ in the church, and the work to advance the Kingdom of God.
CHR300 Christology
Instructor: Dr. Ludie L. Hoffman
Office Hours: Online
Course Description
This is a ministry course that provides a focused study of the Holy Scriptures and addresses both practical and theoretical challenges for disciples of Christ within the church and beyond. It emphasizes advancing the Kingdom of God and exploring the life and mission of Christ.
The Diploma of Christology, a specialized theology degree, is awarded after completing an in-depth study on Christ's personhood, divinity, humanity, and works. The central question answered in this coursework is, “Who is Christ?” It is ideal for believers committed to deepening their discipleship practice.
Course Goals and Objectives
This course is designed to train, support, and equip disciples of Christ through a blend of philosophical, theoretical, and practical learning. Key objectives include:
- Developing a deeper understanding of Christian attitudes, behaviors, and values.
- Improving teaching skills with clear, impactful communication.
- Translating theoretical knowledge into practical application.
- Building a reflective awareness of your discipleship identity.
- Cultivating a strong, effective teaching approach.
Required Texts and Materials
- Dake, F. – God's Plan for Man(Original Creations of God, pg. 76–83)
Finis Jennings Dake explores the nature and interpretation of the Bible, presenting unique insights and foundational truths.
- Dake, F. – God's Plan for Man(Dispensation of Law, pg. 301–313)
Dake discusses biblical principles with comprehensive analysis. This section focuses on the Dispensation of Law.
- Dake, F. – God's Plan for Man(Dispensation of Grace, pg. 336–355)
This section explains the Dispensation of Grace with a detailed exploration of biblical teachings.
Course Policies
Class Attendance and Participation
Participation is essential for success. Come prepared with readings completed. Missing class may incur a half-letter grade deduction (50 points). Classes may also be in Webinar format. Notify the instructor immediately if absent.
Extra Credit
No extra credit will be provided.
Handing in Work
Assignments must be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman with 1-inch margins. Include an APA-style cover page (except for blogs). Late submissions incur a penalty after an automatic 48-hour extension unless otherwise stated.
Late Work Policy
A 48-hour extension is allowed for assignments (excluding discussion questions). Work submitted late after the extension will receive a zero.
Policy on Incompletes
“Incompletes” are only granted when 75% of coursework is done and accompanied by a valid excuse (e.g., medical situations).
Student Behavior
Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated, whether in-person or online. Offending students may be dismissed and referred to administration for disciplinary action per the Code of Student Conduct.
Academic Integrity
Maintain honesty and avoid cheating or plagiarism. Plagiarism includes using an author’s ideas or text without proper citation. Punishments range from receiving a zero on the assignment to failing the course. Follow APA guidelines.
The syllabus is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion without prior notice.