DCE 500 Doctor of Christian Education

Doctor of Christian Education (DCE 500)

Instructor: Dr. Ludie L. Hoffman

Email: interfaithu.help@gmail.com

Office Hours: Online

Course Overview

This graduate-level course focuses on the study of the Holy Scriptures and addresses practical and theoretical challenges faced by church leadership in advancing the Kingdom of God.

The Doctor of Christian Education (DCE) is a prestigious degree for those studying Christian teaching principles, pedagogy, and methodologies, including the teachings of Christ. The coursework also emphasizes the development of Christian character and is tailored for individuals interested in teaching in churches, schools, or on the mission field. A dissertation is required to complete this program.

Course Goals and Objectives

This course provides pastors, ministers, and church leaders with practical and philosophical guidance. Key objectives include:

  • Understanding Christian attitudes, behaviors, and motives.
  • Improving teaching techniques and communication clarity.
  • Translating theory into practice.
  • Strengthening identity and capabilities as a minister.
  • Developing an expert teaching approach.

Required Texts and Materials

  1. God’s Plan for Man: General Subjects by Finis Jennings Dake (Pg 1-10)

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Register for class here

  1. God's Plan for Man: How to Interpret the Scriptures by Finis Jennings Dake (Pg 36-47)

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  1. God's Plan for Man: Dispensation of Law by Finis Jennings Dake (Pg 301-306)

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  1. The Life Story of a Candake Queen by Dr. R. Buffer
  • A historical exploration of the Kandake Queens of Kush, their culture, and their significance to biblical history.

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  1. How to Get Answers Every Time You Pray®… For the Unchurched
  • Practical steps to develop effective prayer habits and spiritual strength.

Click here for the textbook

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  1. God's Plan for Man: The Truth About God by Finis Jennings Dake (Pg 49-65)

Click here for the textbook

Register for class here


Class Attendance

Attendance is mandatory. Active participation and preparation (including completing readings) are required. Missing class results in a loss of points, and online webinars may be used for remote classes.


  • Must be typed, double-spaced, and follow APA style. Late submissions have a 48-hour grace period (except for weekly discussions). Beyond this, a zero will be awarded.
  • No extra credit will be offered in this course.

Academic Integrity

Cheating and plagiarism are strictly prohibited and subject to penalties, including assignment failure and course dismissal. Always cite sources accurately following APA guidelines.

Behavior & Conduct

Disruptive actions affecting instruction or learning will lead to removal from the class and further consequences per the Code of Student Conduct.


The syllabus is subject to change at the instructor’s discretion.

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