MCC400: Master of Christian Counseling
MCC400: Master of Christian Counseling
Graduate course in ministry that addresses a concise study of the Holy Scriptures, theoretical and practical issues faced by leadership in the church and advancement of the Kingdom of God.
MCC400:Master of Christian Counseling
Instructor: Dr. Ludie L Hoffman
E-mail: Office Hours: Online
Course Description:
Graduate course in ministry that addresses a concise study of the Holy Scriptures, theoretical and practical issues faced by leadership in the church, and advancement of the Kingdom of God.
Master of Christian Counseling- This earned degree is conferred upon the student who has completed advanced-level coursework that builds upon the coursework covered on the bachelor level. Courses discuss effective, informative methods to counsel people from a Christian worldview. A thesis on this advanced subject is required at the completion of this study.
Course Goals and Objectives:
The primary goal of this course is to provide instructional training and support for the proficient minister and leader. This course explores a combination of philosophical, theoretical, and practical issues experienced by church leadership. Thus, the following specific objectives will be achieved in this course:
Gain an understanding of Christian attitudes, behaviors, and motives.
Enhance teaching behaviors through clarity, immediacy, and communicator style.
Move from theoretical to applied—putting theory into practice.
Develop a reflective understanding of your identity as a minister.
Develop an excellent approach to teaching.
Required Texts and Materials:
Dake,F. God's Plan for Man: Dispensation of Innocence pg. 150-164
Throughout nearly sixty years of ministry, Finis Jennings Dake passionately pursued the literal truth of Scripture. He systematically discusses the nature of the Bible, principles of biblical interpretation. While some of His teachings may not set well with some, there are powerful truths that can be gleaned. When it comes to this subject he gives a thorough account. Collier.
Click for Textbook Here
Dake,F. God's Plan for Man: Providence: God's Plan for the Needs of Man pg. 166-178
Throughout nearly sixty years of ministry, Finis Jennings Dake passionately pursued the literal truth of Scripture. He systematically discusses the nature of the Bible, principles of biblical interpretation. While some of His teachings may not set well with some, there are powerful truths that can be gleaned. When it comes to this subject he gives a thorough account. Collier
Dake,F. God's Plan for Man: Divine Healing and Divine Health pg. 234-256
Throughout nearly sixty years of ministry, Finis Jennings Dake passionately pursued the literal truth of Scripture. He systematically discusses the nature of the Bible, principles of biblical interpretation. While some of His teachings may not set well with some, there are powerful truths that can be gleaned. When it comes to this subject he gives a thorough account. Collier.
Turner, Dr. A. How to Get Answers Every Time You Pray: To Forgive
How To Get Answers Every Time You Pray: To Forgive, is a captivating read for anyone interested in gaining their freedom. There are many scriptures that clearly state when man forgives someone else, our Heavenly Father will forgive that same person, but if that person chooses not to forgive, God will not forgive their trespasses. What a relief it is to know that when you give love away, God will make sure that His love is returned back to you. There's another scripture that says to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little. So, it's safe to say that when a person loves much, the same is forgiven much.
*A Summary in Essay Format is Required for this Course
(Please refer to the official IU Handbook for essay format guidelines)
Hoffman, Tiffany "Mikki High". 7 Steps to Overcoming Bullying
Bullying is an issue that has plagued our society for many years. When this issue is addressed properly; there is a lessened risk of lives being lost. This epidemic of bullying does not have to be! This document intends to equip individuals and groups with tools and methods that enable them to be successful on their journey to overcoming bullying. Throughout this series, a plethora of questions will be answered: a) What is Bullying? b) What are the methods to overcome bullying? c) What are examples of individuals that have overcome this circumstance in their own lives?
Long, A.D. How to Get Answers Every Time You Pray About Who You Are
How to Get Answers Every Time You Pray About Who You Are is a guide for those still wondering and searching for their placement in life. Yes, we are all created for a purpose and who better to know that than our Father in heaven. It is important that we seek Him to understand who He has made us to be. Prayer gives us the ability to understand His intentions and plans for our lives. Therefore, granting us the ability to see ourselves through His eyes. As you apply these simple principles shared in this guide, your life is sure to get blessed as God will unveil to you His plans every time you pray about who you are.
Polk, S.A. Ruth A Faithful Friend and Accepted by God
Ruth A Faithful Friend and Accepted by God. Have you ever wondered if there is more to life? Well, there is. Come along as we look at the life of Ruth, the Moabitess who forsook her past to secure her future. Despite her shameful idolatrous background, she chooses to serve the God of Israel through sacrifice, faithful service, and godly relationship with Naomi, her mother-in-law. Discover how you too can change your life and seize the opportunity to be a faithful friend and be accepted by God!
Buffer, Dr. R. How to Get Answers Every Time You Worship
Are you fascinated by spontaneous worship? Are you a worship leader looking for ways to be more effective in your ministry? Do you love praise and worship? Learn how worship can be used to get answers from God every time you pray! In, How to Get Answers Every Time You Worship, Dr. R. Buffer, shares a life-changing revelation that will revolutionize both how you view worship… and how you worship! As a daughter of two retired music educators who raised her in the church, she is graced to merge over 20+ years in formal musical training and her experience serving in music ministry with powerful insights concerning worship that came from her time spent in the Presence of God. Buy How to Get Answers Every Time You Worship today! You will never worship the same again!
Pugh, D. Renae. How to Get Answers Every Time You Pray All Alone
In How To Get Answers Every Time You Pray® All Alone, D. Renae Pugh shares how to hear from God in seasons of loneliness and sorrow, how to know the Will of God concerning you and how to connect with the Body of Christ to receive absolute breakthrough. How To Get Answers Every Time You Pray® All Alone describes what prayer is and defines how time all alone with God provides strength to attain everything that pertains to life and godliness. This book is a must-have for all believers and will surely bless your life. Apply the principles shared in the book, believe God’s Word concerning your life and get ready to receive answers every time you pray!
*A Summary in Essay Format is Required for this Course
(Please refer to the official IU Handbook for essay format guidelines)
Course Policies:
Class Attendance and Participation
Attendance and participation is required in graduate courses. In order to be successful in this course you will need to attend class prepared, readings completed, and ready to engage in discussion. Discussion will be the primary means in which information is processed. If you are absent you should contact the instructor immediately (and preferably in advance). Each class period missed reflects a course of material and a discussion that cannot be made up. Thus, the instructor may take a half letter grade deduction (50 points of final grade) for each class period missed. These classes may be offered in Webinar format.
Extra Credit
Extra Credit will not be offered in this course.
Handing in Work
All written assignments must be type and double-spaced unless otherwise specified. Assignments, which do not follow these guidelines, will not be graded. Page length guidelines are based on 12 point Times New Roman Font 1 inch margins expectation. (So if you want to use Courier New add a few pages to the requirements). Please include a cover page in APA style for all written assignments (except Blog). Think hard about self-presentation and impression formation as you put together your assignments.
Late Work
Each student has an automatic extension of 48 hours on assignments (except weekly discussion questions). Thus, if the assignment is due on Tuesday at 6pm you can turn it in without penalty by Thursday at 6pm. If you turn it in after the automatic extension you will receive a zero for the assignment. No other extensions will be considered. This is to help keep us on track.
Policy on Incompletes
An “Incomplete” will be awarded only in cases where 75% of the coursework has been completed AND the grade is warranted by an excuse (e.g., medical, military). Inability to complete coursework in a timely fashion does not constitute an acceptable reason for requesting or receiving an incomplete.
Acceptable Student Behavior
Student behavior that interferes with an instructor’s ability to conduct a class or other students' opportunity to learn is unacceptable and disruptive and will not be tolerated in any instructional forum at IU. Students engaging in unacceptable behavior will be directed to leave the classroom on or offline and the instructor may refer the student to the administration to consider whether the student's conduct violated the Code of Student Conduct. The university's expectations for student conduct apply to all instructional forums, including university and electronic classroom, labs, discussion groups, field trips, etc.
Code of Student Conduct
All persons shall adhere to the Code of Student Conduct regarding academic dishonesty, including acts of cheating and plagiarism.
Cheating. The willful giving or receiving of information in an unauthorized manner during an examination, illicitly obtaining examination questions in advance, using someone else’s work or written assignments as if they were your own, or any other dishonest means of attempting to fulfill a requirement of this course.
Plagiarism. The use of an author’s words or ideas as if they were your own without giving proper credit to the source, including but not limited to failure to acknowledge a direct quotation. Exact wording from a source must be identified by quotation marks and citation of the author. Concepts and ideas from sources should also be identified by citation of the author. Rules for citing quotes and ideas can be found in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition.
Punishments for cheating or plagiarism range from a grade of ZERO points on the assignment in question to failure of the course.
This syllabus should not be construed as a binding contract between the instructor and the students. The professor reserves the right to change any aspect of the course without notice.
Discussion Questions (worth 30% of final grade):
Student is to compete all blog and discussion board assignments by typing their name, the day, and the date, followed by their content for bog and discussion in the designated chat section during the class session. Blogs and discussion must be reated to the class session. Quiz questions will serve as discussion questions. Completing all required quizzes successfully will suffice for discussion question completion. All required quizzes completed successfully (ie. with a passing grade) will account for an equa amount of the 30% discussion score.
Due Dates: Weekly on Tuesday by 9pm. Please submit your responses and email them to No late work or extensions.
Course and Assignment Development: (200 points for 20% of grade)
Please select a course you hope to teach in the future and prepare a syllabus including a detailed course schedule, develop two major assignments (including detailed description and grading criteria/rubric), and one lesson from the course. The lesson should include: lecture material for one week (prepare power points with notes or prepare lecture notes in outline format), activities for the lesson, and exam questions for the lecture material (include at least 10 MC items/TF/ fill in the blank type questions as well as a 3 short answer and 1 essay question- this is required even if you aren’t “giving” an exam). Additionally, you should include a reference page that includes all materials consulted including textbooks, previous syllabi, and assignments from courses.
Blog and Class Participation: (200 points for 20% of grade):
Student is to compete all blog and discussion board assignments by typing their name, the day, and the date, followed by their content for bog and discussion in the designated chat section during the class session. Blogs and discussion must be reated to the class session.
Due Date of Entries: A minimum of 5 postings during the module. Entries must be posted within the calendar week of the negotiated schedule to receive full credit. Each entry must occur on a different week.
Due Date Last Post: March. 10 or October 10th depending on your I U graduation date
Final Paper (300 points for 30% of grade):
Write a 13-15 page typed double spaced paper that synthesizes material from the entire semester. The paper should explore how you approach ministry—it should outline your ministry philosophy or focus. You should present a coherent approach to ministry. As you read during the module continually keep this paper assignment in mind and look for connections of the material across areas. You must incorporate at least eight readings from the course in your paper in your own words. Outside research is strongly encouraged and expected for an “A” paper. Due 30 days before graduation.
Overall Grading Summary:
Assignment |
Point Value |
Your Score |
Course and Assignment Development (20% of grade): |
200 |
Discussion Questions (30% of grade): |
Midterm Update Report |
150 |
Final Report |
150 |
Blog (20% of grade): |
200 |
Final Paper (30% of grade) |
300 |
Total |
1000 |
Final Grade Calculation:
1000-900 A
899-800 B
799-700 C
699-600 D
599 and below F
Please email me with any questions to