MCJ 400: Master of Christian Journalism
MCJ400- Master of Christian Journalism
This program confers a Master of Christian Journalism degree upon students who complete coursework emphasizing the importance of Christian perspectives in media.
Course Information
- Course Name: JOUR 400 - Christian Journalism
- Instructor: Dr. Ludie L. Hoffman
- Email:
- Office Hours: Online
Course Description
This graduate course focuses on the study of Holy Scriptures and the practical and theoretical challenges faced in church leadership while advancing the Kingdom of God.
Degree Requirements
Students pursuing the Master of Christian Journalism degree will complete advanced coursework building on master's-level concepts. A thesis on a related advanced topic is required to complete the program.
Course Goals and Objectives
This course is designed to offer specialized training for ministers and church leaders. The key objectives include:
- Understanding Christian attitudes, behaviors, and motives.
- Improving teaching methods through effective communication and clarity.
- Applying theoretical knowledge to practice.
- Reflecting on personal identity as a minister.
- Developing excellence in teaching approaches.
Required Texts and Materials
Dake,F. God's Plan for Man: The Holy Scriptures pg12-17
Throughout nearly sixty years of ministry, Finis Jennings Dake passionately pursued the literal truth of Scripture. He systematically discusses the nature of the Bible, principles of biblical interpretation. While some of His teachings may not sit well with some, there are powerful truths that can be gleaned. When it comes to this subject he gives a thorough account. Collier.
Dake,F. God's Plan for Man: How to Interpret the Scriptures pg. 36-47
Throughout nearly sixty years of ministry, Finis Jennings Dake passionately pursued the literal truth of Scripture. He systematically discusses the nature of the Bible, principles of biblical interpretation. While some of His teachings may not sit well with some, there are powerful truths that can be gleaned. When it comes to this subject he gives a thorough account. Collier.
Gabriel: The Declarer of Christ's Coming by E.Y. Elliott
Highlights: Exploring interpretations of angels, focusing on Gabriel and spiritual insights.
How to Get Answers Every Time You Pray… as a Performing Artist by Victoria Hoffman
Highlights: A guide on effective prayer for performing artists, focusing on confession, partnership, and impartation.
Course Policies
Attendance and Participation
Active participation is essential. Students must come prepared, having completed readings and ready to engage in discussions. Absences will result in a grade penalty (50 points deducted per missed session). Classes may be conducted in a webinar format.
Extra Credit
Extra credit is not available for this course.
Submitting Assignments
- All assignments must be typed, double-spaced, and follow formatting requirements (12-pt Times New Roman, 1-inch margins).
- Include an APA-style cover page except for blog submissions.
Late Work
Students have an automatic 48-hour extension on assignments (excluding weekly discussions). After this period, late submissions will receive a zero.
Policy on Incompletes
“Incomplete” grades are awarded only if 75% of course requirements are completed and for valid reasons (e.g., medical or military).
Student Behavior
Disruptive behavior impacting others’ learning experiences will not be tolerated. Violators may be directed to leave and face disciplinary actions per university policy.
Academic Honesty
- Cheating includes unauthorized information sharing, using others’ work as your own, or obtaining exam questions inappropriately.
- Plagiarism includes using another's words or ideas without attribution. Proper citations in APA format are required.
Violations may result in penalties ranging from zero on an assignment to course failure.
The syllabus may be updated at the instructor’s discretion without prior notice.