Theo200 Completion Certificate Of Practical Theology
Theo200 Completion Certificate of Practical Theology
About the Course
Theo200 Completion Certificate of Practical Theology is a focused study of the Holy Scriptures, addressing both theoretical and practical issues faced by disciples of Christ. This course aims to equip students for greater service in the church and the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
Instructor: Dr. Ludie L. Hoffman
Office Hours: Online
Course Description
This course focuses on Biblical studies, exploring Christian education, homiletics, liturgy, and pastoral care. It provides a path to better understanding God’s nature and trains proficient disciples through theoretical and practical discussions.
Course Goals and Objectives
- Understand Christian attitudes, behaviors, and motives.
- Improve teaching through clarity, immediacy, and communication style.
- Transition from theory to practical application.
- Reflect on your identity as a minister.
- Develop an effective approach to teaching.
Required Texts and Materials
- Dake, F. God's Plan for Man, pg. 12-17
- A comprehensive discussion of the Bible and principles of interpretation.
- Dake, F. God's Plan for Man, pg. 36-47
- A continuing exploration of scripture interpretation.
- **Hoffman, Z. Lazarus Divinely Resurrected
- A study exploring the story of Lazarus in John 11.
Course Policies
Attendance and Participation
- Attendance and participation are mandatory. Missing classes will result in grade deductions (50 points per absence).
- Classes may also be offered in webinar format.
Handing in Work
- All assignments must follow guidelines (typed, double-spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins). Late work is penalized and extensions are limited to 48 hours.
Code of Conduct
- Respectful behavior is required, and academic dishonesty is not tolerated. Violations, including plagiarism, will result in penalties ranging from zero on assignments to course failure.
Assignments and Grading
- Discussion Questions (30%)
- Participate in weekly blog or discussion posts. Quizzes also count toward this grade. Due every Tuesday by 9 PM.
- Course and Assignment Development (20%)
- Create a syllabus, two major assignments, one lecture (including activities and evaluations).
- Select a course you wish to teach in the future.
- Create a detailed syllabus with a course schedule.
- Develop two major assignments, providing descriptions and grading criteria/rubrics.
- Prepare one lesson from the course.
- Your lesson should include lecture material for one week.
- Use PowerPoints with notes or outline format for your lecture notes.
- Include activities related to the lesson.
- Create exam questions for the lecture material. This should have:
- At least 10 multiple-choice or true/false or fill-in-the-blank questions.
- Three short-answer questions.
- One essay question.
- Present this even if you're not conducting an actual exam.
- Lastly, compile a reference page with all consulted materials, which may include textbooks, past syllabi, and assignments.
- Blog and Class Participation (20%)
- Post a minimum of five entries throughout the module.
- Last post due by March 10th or October 10th, depending on graduation.
- Final Paper (30%)
- Write a 13-15 page paper synthesizing course material and focusing on your ministry approach.
- Use at least eight course readings; outside research is expected. Due 30 days before graduation.
Policy on Incompletes
An “Incomplete” will be awarded only in cases where 75% of the coursework has been completed AND the grade is warranted by an excuse (e.g., medical, military). Inability to complete coursework in a timely fashion does not constitute an acceptable reason for requesting or receiving an incomplete.
This syllabus provides an overview of expectations and opportunities for students to grow in their understanding and ministry practice. For further details, contact Dr. Hoffman at the email provided: